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Class: organization

Name: The Silver Fists

Brief: A group of 'lawmen' that are hired to keep the peace.


The Silver Fists are a fairly new group of mercenaries. This group resides in The Lakeshore. They do not consider themselves mercenaries, but rather look upon themselves as a group of lawmen that keep the peace, for the highest bidder of course. For example, if a small area of a city has exceptionally high crime and police are not provided by the city itself, the major landholders of that part of the city will contact the Silver Fists to keep some sort of law. The standard practices of the group state that when the employer buys their services they become judge, jury, and executioner for their area. There is an option available for an increased fee that will provide more specific laws, though this can become quite pricey.

The Silver Fists require as part of their payment that a headquarters be established for them so that they can detain prisoners when they are arrested.

The technology available to the Fists ranges from mid to high. Basic officers all carry magnetic revolvers and wear light bulletproof armor. Squad leaders carry some sort of light energy weapon and wear magnetic armor. The Silver Fist heavy infantry units are used in a shoot-out or bomb threat. These brutes carry heavy energy rifles and wear mechanical power armor. EMP snipers are used as well, but only in riot situations to stun multiple violators of the peace, their weapon being a non-lethal high-output EMP cannon.

©2003 Steven Mayes - Nic Ventura
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